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Tips & Tricks

Medium to Low — It's All You Need to Know

Your Platinum TempAlert Knob takes all the guesswork out of cooking. Your ideal cooking temperature should be at the 40-60 mark.

When preparing fresh or frozen vegetables:
• Fill your unit at least 2/3 full, rinse well in cold water, pour off water and cover unit.
• Set unit on a similar sized burner (small unit = small burner, large unit = large burner).
• When heat indicator reaches the 40-60 mark, reduce heat down to low.

First is Always Gonna Be the Worst

Certainly we don't want to scare you but you should be aware that your first week with Professional Platinum Cookware may be your worst week. But why?

Old habits are hard to break and we'll bet you'll carry over the tendency from your old cookware to turn the heat on high and "let it rip" in which case it's likely that most things you cook will scorch and burn. Fear not...remember "medium to low is all you need to know" and, with that in mind,the adjustment period will be brief and the long term benefits to your health and culinary pleasure enormous.

Pre-Heat for Meats

To prepare meats the Platinum water-free Method:
• Pre-heat covered unit on medium heat.
• When the heat indicator reaches between the 10-11 o'clock position lift cover and place meat into unit, press firmly, cover and let brown for approx. 4 minutes.
• Turn meat with spatula and press down, cover & reduce heat to low.
Most chops, chicken, burgers, etc. need to cook for an additional 5-8 mins.
• When cooking steaks the average rule is 2 mins after reducing heat for each 3/4 inches for medium rare.
• When preparing roasts after turning meat, you may add potatoes, onions, carrot, etc. right on top of your roast. Then reduce heat and cook for approx. 1-1 1/2 hours for a 5-6 lb. roast. You can't overcook, so relax and let it tenderize even more.

Some More Helpful Hints

When using the Platinum TempAlert Knob never lift the cover from the unit until the recommend cooking time been completed. Doing so not only reduces the temperature, but also results in a loss of valuable moisture from the food. Remember, the TempAlert Knob tells you what is going on in the unit at all times.

No matter what type of range you use, if steam begins to escape from under the cover you are wasting heat! Reduce your heat and continue cooking. This will not disturb the cooking process, and all the natural juices and nutrients in your food.

When searing meats or poultry (in pan broiling or roasting) press the meat or poultry down firmly to achieve even browning. Do not be alarmed if the meat sticks to the pan at first. Meat pores close when they come in contact with heat, and after a couple of minutes, the meat will loosen from the unit and it will turn easily!